Saturday, July 25, 2009

Work Experience

Everyone on board has a job. A way for them to contribute to the community, a way to support the ministry through responsibility of the day to day chores that need to be done on the ship. Traditionally a new recruit starts in a service type job (cleaning, cooking, engine room, ect..) and after 6 months to a year, they are moved on to a more specific job, (such as events, port preparation, service desk, ect..) So on average a 2-year G.A. (Global Action-er) would have 2-4 jobs during their 25 months with the ship.

I'm above average! Here are the jobs I've had...

1. Laundry Queen: 15 to 20 loads of laundry a day, for the 200 people on board the Logos II. Duration: Sept 07 - Nov 07
2. Kid's Camp Director: Implement and plan a two week Kid's camp for 17 ship kids age 4 to 15. Duration: Nov 07 - Dec 07
3. K2 Teacher: Taught 7 students in grades 3-5. Duration: Dec 07- Feb 08
4. Angel: Worked in the accommodations department, known as Angels. They clean the public spaces and prepare guest cabins. Duration: Feb 08
5.Line-Up: Completed Orientation on how to do port preparation for the ship's visit to future cities. Never went on assignment, the ship was never ready. Duration March 08 - April 08
6. Events: While waiting for a line-up destination, I helped to plan onboard events, including being in charge of HopeFest in Kiel; a weekend long international bizzare on our public deck 4. Duration: April 08 - June 08
7. Project Team: Still waiting for a line-up assignment, helped with wire-brushing, painting, chipping, sanding, and all kinds of other methods of cleaning rust and welding slag in the book hold, Charlie and baggage locker. Duration: June 08 - Sept 08
8. Angel (again): Left Line-up because there was no idea when I would be sent out, so I spent so humbling time back on the Angels team. Duration: Sept 08
9. Community Ministries: Worked with outside Librarians to set up the LH Crew Library. Planned the holiday calendar, Christmas, New Years and a Fun Night. Duration Sept 08 - Jan 09
10. Assistant Creative Manager for the temporary Journey of Life/Port Side display: Helped to create and resource supplies for the port side project, which evolved into a photo gallery, theater, kid's area and prayer room. Duration: Jan 09 - March 09
11. Visitor Experience Shift Leader: Over saw the day to day operations on Deck 4. Ensuring all positions where covered by e-day people. Duration: March 09 - July 09
12. Visitor Experience Team Leader: Oversaw the deck 4 shift leaders. Duration July 09
13. Volunteer Coordinator: Working with the local volunteers, who come to serve while the ship is in their port. Duration July 09 - present

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Farewell to Europe

After 11 ports and 5 months of ministry we left Europe. I'm so proud to say that I was able to be part of the Visitor Experience team welcoming 140,000 people onto deck 4! God was with us everystep of the way. And it was only through Him that we not only survived being severly under-manned on the deck, but more importantly, we were able to show Christ's love and His free gift of salvation to each of people that visited the ship.
Now we are following the sun and heading to the warm sunny climate of the Caribbean. I'm most excited about being able to wear shorts, packing away all the winter clothes and having to use sunscreen everyday.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us in the islands. Please pray that as we journey across the Atlantic, that God will use this time to teach, train, prepare and unite us before we reach the new culture of the Caribbean.

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