Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Witness to Missionaries

A few weeks ago Stephie (Germany) asked if I knew anything about the Mormon religion. I was surprised, in high school we did several outreach programs to Mormons both in San Diego and in Utah. I think she may have been more surprised to learn how much I really do know about Mormonism. One big difference between the two religions is that as Christians we believe we are saved through grace, that the gift of eternal life is given freely by believing in Jesus Christ. Mormons on the other hand believe that eternal life is earned after you have completed several requirements and even then you don’t know for sure if you were good enough.
Stephie had met two Mormon girls on the street and invited them for lunch on board. I was invited to lunch as well. We had a very nice time, just enjoying each other’s company. Stephie and I had already agreed we were going to avoid any type of debating or questions that would lead to debating. I was excited to be eating lunch with a fellow American. Sister Welch is from Utah and has just started her mission with the church, her companion is Sister Chi from S. Korea. That lunch was two weeks ago and today we had lunch with them again. Though God has them in our life for a purpose, we aren’t sure where the conversations are going to lead. Today’s lunch the topics included food in Germany, sunny San Diego and baptism of the dead. I could sit for hours asking the sisters questions about Mormonism, why they believe what they believe, and about the book of Mormon. It makes me sad to know that these girls are so lost and may never be released from their mistaken beliefs.
Please pray for both sisters, please pray that Stephie and I can be good witnesses, that the Lord will give us wisdom in conversation and a bold spirit. Please also pray for Alex (Uruguay), he is spending time talking with Mormon elders, two nineteen-year-old boys from Utah. We aren’t expecting to change anyone’s mind about Mormonism, but maybe plant some seeds that will force them to question what they believe and why.

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