Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dad's visit

What an awesome God surprise! Turns out Dad got a lot of free time for an undefined amount of time.... and since work was always his excuse for not being able to visit me it made perfect sense for him to take some of his new free time to come and visit me! Mom found him a plane ticket and Dad was able to visit me in Kingston, Jamaica for 10 days.
It was a blessing and answer to prayer that I could show my world to Dad. I think we spent more time together in those 10 days, then we have in the last 10 years. I was able to introduce him to my friends, my co-workers and some of the local volunteers that I work with.
Dad had a good time relaxing, in the VIP cabin. He spent some time sight-seeing, after being in Kingston for 2 days he had seen more then I had in 2 weeks! And of course Dad did lots of fishing! As he said "lots of fishing, not so much catching". A hightlight for was fish tacos on one of his last nights with me and my friends. He caught a 11# King fish and we grilled it on the back deck!
I dont' know what the future holds for him, but God does. I'm just thankful we had this time to spend together.

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