Saturday, September 12, 2009

Volunteer Fun

We've been in the Caribbean for 41 days now, and seems like so much longer! God has filled my days with so much to do and prepare, but best of all with people!
We've had over 90 volunteers join us while we've been in these first three ports. The local people volunteer for the entire ship's visit, but it's not only to work. We offer a discipleship program where they work for part of the day, but also attend trainings and get to interact with our international crew.
Every time we come to the end of the port I'm amazed by God's hand in their lives. Sometimes I feel that what I'm doing isn't that important, or the volunteer really isn't appreciating the program we've developed.... but then, we ask to fill in an evaluation and everyone comes back with the same answers:
"please stay longer" "God has taught me about being a servant" "I want to live for Christ daily, just as the crew of the Logos Hope as been an example of"
God has given me the unique opportunity to be used in a position that gets to connect with the locals, by sharing a little bit of our world, and a whole lot of Jesus' love with them. I'm encouraged by the growth and knowledge that so many of our volunteers take away with them as the ship leave's their port.
Please pray with me that their enthusiasm for serving God in their own countries will not fade away. And pray also for the next bunch of volunteers we will get in Trinidad, as it is going to be a very BUSY port with lots of visitors expected to attend!

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