Friday, November 13, 2009


Sitting on the couch, driving a car, watching TV, going to Starbucks, it's the everyday things that I was looking to most while coming home to San Diego for a 6 week furlough. It's been such a wonderful time to catch up with friends I haven't seen in two years. And it's been a blessing to meet with some of my supporters to talk about what God has been doing on the Logos Hope and what He has planned for me in this coming year!
Since being home I've also been able to play tour guide to my good friends from the ship, Matthijs and Jobina. On their way back to the Netherlands, they spent two days with me enjoying Sea World, Downtown, Pt. Loma and the popular tourist destination of El Cajon.... of course a trip to the Yogurt Mill was included.
I've been very thankful for this relaxing time at home, such a contrast to ship life. On board I live and work with 400 other people. Everyday I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with 400 other people. I share a cabin and I share an office. And because we are visiting Caribbean islands with "rough" port areas we must always be in groups when we leave the ship. With so many people everyday in my life, I am soaking up every minute to be alone, walk alone, shop alone and drive alone. And most importantly, spending lots of extra time with God.

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