Friday, August 24, 2007


I made it to the Netherlands early Tuesday morning, and I was ready for bed as soon as my head hit the pillow at nine that night. I can't believe it's already Friday, where does the time go?
Along with me there are about 300 other missionaries reading to leave for their OM fields. I've met a couple of people that will be joining me on the HOPE. It's exciting to be with some many other nationalities.
I know that many of you are anxious to hear where I am going and what I'll be doing. I have a couple answers for you. After we leave this conference all those people that are joining the HOPE are being bussed to Germany for more training. That will be mostly Sea Survival stuff, how to put on a life jacket, how to use a fire extinguisher, how to abandon ship and how to right a life boat that it upside down. After two weeks we will then join the LOGOS II and do ministry along the north coast of Germany. Of course plans can change so don't be surprised if in the future I let you know something completely different. While on board the LOGOS II, I'll find out what my job will be and we remain on board until the HOPE meets up there. Once the HOPE is ready we will all move over to her and help with the final touches of re-fit. Then set sail!!
I hope this answered some of your questions. Please feel free to leave comments. Have a great day!

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