Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kids On Board

I just can’t get away from them, Children. I’ve been working with kids for the past 10 years in various ways, from babysitting to camp counselor, Sunday school teacher to after school supervisor. I even spent my vacations with them, coordinating the kid’s programs on board the cruise ships. Why did I think things would be different here? I joined not wanting to work with kids. I’ve been there, done that. Now it sounds like I’m ungrateful. I love kids, I can manage kids, I have fun with kids and they have fun with me. I just wanted to try something new.
God knows our talents and want us to use them for his glory. It’s just funny how he ends up using our talents in ways we aren’t expecting. The “Holiday Camp” was great. There were various bumps along the way, but in the end we all had a blast, even my fellow teachers. (And we were super entertainment for the hairdresser on board who had set up shop in our main meeting room). The kid’s highlights were “the moose song” and dissecting squid! And we even made the top story on the OM ships website!
But once camp ended there were no plans for me. I knew I would not be returning to laundry, but no one had communicated what my job would be on the LOGOS HOPE. That is, until Friday, the last day of camp. I was asked to be a substitute teacher, an emergency permanent substitute teacher. I didn’t come to the ships to work with the kids full time. I came to the ships to be involved with ministry, in any way, and to learn a new skill, a new job.
I did a lot of praying. God reminded me what an awesome ministry working with kids is, even when it’s just being “teacher”. I get to teach and be an example for kids growing up in a community of multi-cultural missionaries. I get to be a blessing to their families. And daily I get the rewards of kids, watching them learning and growing in knowledge.
I am now officially TEACHER. I’ll just be filling in until the new teachers arrive in February. I have a wonderful support team here who believe in me and are teaching me daily. I’m up for the challenge, this will be exciting and the best part is that I am exactly where God wants me.
And where will I be working in 8 weeks? I don’t know. But God does, and that’s all I need. Please pray for me these next couple weeks as I’m trying to learn a lot in a short amount of time.
For those interested, I have a class of six between the ages of 7-11, five boys, and one girl. They range in grade levels from second grade to fifth grade. One student from each of the following countries: America, Scotland, England, and South Africa, as well as brothers who have lived in Finland and Brazil and began learning English six months ago. (Don’t worry, their English is amazing, and it’s their third language!) Our school day is 9-3. And we will have the week of Christmas off.

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