Saturday, February 9, 2008


On Tuesday, 5th of Feburary, we had 50 new people join our community on board the Logos HOPE. It's hard to believe that just 5 months ago we were in the same place as they are now. Just getting to know one another, just getting to know the already established community onboard, finding our jobs, and surviving "pool day"!
In this time of change, I've also got a new cabin, and 3 new roommates. I'm really excited about the cabin. It's on deck 5, about twice the size of my old cabin on deck 2 and it has it's own bathroom!! I think that's the part I'm most thrilled about! The night before my new roommates arrived I threw myself an "open house" and had some peeps over to celebrate. All, of course had fun, and at the height of the party we had 20 people inside the cabin!
Tuesday night we had a huge welcome party for the new recruits.Vanoosh (Australia) and myself were in charge of the party and it was a great success! The party included a Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-Lee), which is a Scottish barn dance. It was our third ceilidh this year!
My new roommates are Meg (Australia), Satu (Finland) and Uzma (Pakistan). I'm looking forward to getting to know each of them and the rest of their PST as they begin to settle in to life on board the Logos HOPE.


Debby Crumlish said...

Hi Jessica!
You look so happy and it looks like you're right where the Lord wants you! I love hearing about all your adventures!
God be with you! xo

Cecil said...

I am particularly happy to finally know how to pronounce "ceilidh". I have often wondered. Looks and sounds as if you are having a wonderful time. I know God is using you for His better to be used??!!?!?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're a fantastic fit for the ship's ministry! That's so great. Apparently rules are a bit different on Logos Hope than they were on Doulos... GUYS in your cabin?? (: That's so cool, on Doulos only families could do open cabins with a mixed crowd. I miss open cabins!

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