Saturday, February 9, 2008

Overnight Church Team

For one Sunday in the month of January the churches in Germany come together, within their denominations, and have a huge Sunday service. Along with 3 others from the ship I was able to go on an overnight church team to the city of Lubeck, where we were responsible for a children’s service. Our team was well balanced and strong at children’s programs. Beside myself, it was Matthijs (Netherlands), Haelyn (Trinidad &Tobago), and Jana (Germany). We presented the ship and the idea of missions to the 100 kids in attendance that day. Through dramas, a slideshow and a video we challenged the kids to be missionaries in their own city or, someday in the future, around the world.
We were the first team sent to the city of Lubeck and it was exciting to see how God used the Children’s service to talk to the parents in the church. Since our visit we have had several families come to visit us and ask how they can help.
One family’s young son, Lucas, was so excited about the ship that he insisted that his parents drive him the 2 hour trip west to visit the ship the following weekend. Mom, Dad, Grandma, big brother and Lucas enjoyed dinner with us, followed with a tour of the ship. After the tour Grandma signed up to be a project worker, and for the past week has been working in our galley helping the team prepare meals for the 300 people currently on board.
While on the church team, God was teaching us to trust in him and that being a missionary can be as simple as a smile to a child.

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